Famous adventurers swim across the Caspian Sea to Sea Breeze

18 09.2024


World-famous adventurers Carl Bushby and Angela Maxwell have crossed the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan from Kazakhstan.

Carl Bushby is a former paratrooper who became famous for his ongoing around-the-world walking trip, which began in 1998. He was the first person to cross the Bering Strait on foot on ice and by swimming without any transport. Angela Maxwell traveled more than 22,000 miles and visited four continents over 10 years of travel.

They swam the Caspian Sea from border to border in 32 days, covering 288 kilometers to reach Azerbaijan. Two young swimmers from Azerbaijan, 15-time champions of the republic Anastasia Boborkina and Abdurrahman Rustamov, swam with them.

In the resort city of Sea Breeze, the travelers were met by Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Mariana Vasileva and representatives of the Azerbaijan Swimming Federation. The trip took place with the support and organization of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Baku City Circuit company.