Public meeting for investors on the topic: “Investment in real estate in Azerbaijan”

23 11.2023


On November 22, as part of a conference organized by Sea Breeze jointly with the RBC multimedia holding in Moscow, a public meeting for investors was held on the topic: “Investing in real estate in Azerbaijan.”

During the conference, the advantages of investing in Azerbaijan were discussed, as well as facts and figures were presented highlighting the rapid development of bilateral relations between Russia and Azerbaijan.

Conference speakers:

Emin Agalarov – President of the Agalarov Development Company and owner of the resort town of Sea Breeze,

Fuad Naghiyev – Chairman of the State Tourism Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan,

Sahib Alekberov – Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan,

Anna Larina – Director of the foreign real estate department of NF Group,

Ilya Sukharnikov – a partner at B1 in the consulting, technology, and transactions department, consultant in the field of real estate, construction and territory development,

Tariel Tahirov – the general representative of Azal CJSC in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

Emin Agalarov made a presentation on all Sea Breeze projects and emphasized the global growth of the country's tourism sector and the increase in investment in real estate. According to him, he wants to realize in Baku everything beautiful that he has ever seen.

Fuad Naghiyev noted that the number of tourists coming to Azerbaijan over the past year has increased by 30 per cent, and Sahib Alekperov called Sea Breeze one of the most successful investment projects in the country.

Experts in the field of foreign real estate Anna Larina and Ilya Sukharnikov noted the great potential of Azerbaijan. A large number of tourists and investors from Russia choose familiar and renowned complexes with good infrastructure, close to the sea. Sea Breeze best suits these needs. Sukharnikov also emphasized that Azerbaijan is a combination of completely different types of recreation: from historical monuments to the sea and ski resorts.

Tariel Tahirov added that at the moment Heydar Aliyev Airport is one of the largest transit airports in the region, thanks to which it is possible to make flights to Azerbaijan and around the world. Flights to Azerbaijan are already operated from 14 Russian cities, and this number will only grow.

Also at the conference, representatives of the State Tourism Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sevda Aliyeva and Javanshir Bayramov spoke with their section on investment and tourism.